Monday, 19 May 2014

It's All About Mulch

As part of our study on the Native Bush we have been looking at an Action that we can take part in to help our school environment. We asked Keith our fantastic caretaker what we could do to help him, and that started us on a bit of a mulching journey.
Every day armed with rakes, shovel and brushes and a bucket the children in Room 3 rake up leaves all around the school to make into mulch. The mulch is put under the trees and bushes around the school to encourage seedlings. Not only are the children doing a great job mulching, but they are also picking up litter that they find in the gardens at the same time.
Hows that for being switched on kiwis.

Thanks Bethan, Joseph, George and Gus, you really are helping make our school environment a better place.

Monday, 12 May 2014

A proud Player of the Day

Our big news for the weekend was from George whose highlight was playing a great game of soccer and being made Player of the Day.  He brought his tophy in to show us and we all felt very proud of him. Well done George!

Week 1, Term 2

Week 1, Term 2 by Vinnie and Joseph
Last week we had a visit from Paul Hodgkinson and Robyn McCool.  Paul was from the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council and Robyn is from The Department of Conservation who we are doing our study of The Native Bush with. We learnt a lot of interesting things like how to make a raincoat out of a rubbish bag.
Guess who?  Yes thats me, Joseph. 
We had to find out what things would be good to take in a pack when we go tramping in the bush.  We needed to think about how heavy things are before we put them in. We found out we need to wear long trousers and a long sleeve top so we don't get cold.

We are all looking forward to our trip to the Pan Pac Kiwi Creche on the 27th to try out some of the Bush Survival things we learnt.
Written by Joseph and Vinnie