Sunday, 10 August 2014

Shared Lunch

Our next Fruity Friday was all about soup, rolls and fruit kebabs. We had a go at making pumpkin soup, our own bread rolls and to top it off, a fruity kebeb. It was a cold and miserable day so we really enjoyed our hot lunch together.

Peeling and cutting the pumpkin and onions.

Bread rolls rising in the sun (what little there was)

Chef James helping out in the kitchen

Chef James with Mrs Clinton mushing up the soup.

We all tried it and it definitely got the thumbs up!

Then to finish off, the delicious fruity kebabs...
The word of the day according to Lucy was SCRUMPTIOUS!!

5 + a day

Harold the friendly giraffe came to visit Haumoana school in the first week back after the holidays. He taught Room 3 all about Healthy Eating and what a balanced diet actually means.  We found out about the importance of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, that will give us the energy to do all the things we want to do.
We each created our own food pyramid and noticed the different food groups that were apart of it.

 Our first 'Fruity Friday' saw us joining classes with Room 7 and creating alsorts of different Juice concoctions. We all brought a piece of fruit or vegetable to school and took part in making and then sampling the fresh and very delicious juice. You can see by the looks on the childrens faces that we all enjoyed it.

Fabulous Fruity Fun- Scrumptious juice 

We all agree- 5 + a day is what it's all about!