Sunday 13 April 2014

Our Living Classroom

Did you know that Room 3 has been renamed as the 'Living Classroom'.  That wonderful idea came from Lucy, on the way home from our trip to the aquarium and Dolbel tree reserve a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was so appropriate with all the goings on this term, we all agreed that it was a great idea.
Unfortunately our next exciting trip to the Pan Pac Kiwi Sanctuary has had to be postponed and is probably going to be postponed again, with the week ahead looking decidingly dreary.  I have fingers crossed that it can happen next term, but we will have to see if it can be rescheduled by DOC.
Any way back to business.  Our bloggers last week were Amelia and Sinclair and they have chosen our colourful bugs to talk about.

We have been studying 'BUGS' this term.  All sorts of creepy crawlies. In maths we have also been looking at symmetry and so we put on our Green Creative Hats and put the two together and created our colourful bugs. We painted half and then smudged it so it came out on the other side of the paper and magically our bugs were born.  Abit of black paper to form the body, head, thorax and abdomen, a couple of antennae and 6 legs and they were ready. 
 They look beautiful and help to make our Living Classroom look great.
By Amelia and Sinclair

Sunday 6 April 2014

Our Week, by George and Lenny.

Did you know that our school is a Cool School.  That means that we try to look after each other, especially in the playground.  When things don't go so well, we try to sort them out. Thats called mediation. 
It is fun playing in the playground with our friends because we have lots of cool things to do, like climbing trees or playing on the monkey bars and we also enjoy playing cricket too. Last week we had to work hard at sorting out our differences because we didn't all agree on the rules. We had to try to agree on things, which didn't always work. 
 We hope that this week the game will run a little more smoothly. We will let you know.